Friday, June 29, 2012

Passion vs. experience

I want to apologize by saying that I intended to write a little about why healthy foods are more expensive and weigh those thought processes. However, I have out that topic off due to this past weeks experiences. I have been following a couple of professional blogs. One in particular is that of a hiring manager. Recently he went through a long and extensive process of hiring a communications manager. He blogged throughout the whole process. This series stared with what to include on a resume and concluded as far as what to include on a follow up thank you note from an interview. I have diligently been following this process and taking important note of some strategy. With all of these thoughts that have gone through my mind, on top of myself going through interviews and making choices that will effect my future employment, I began to think even further about the awful process for recent grads. Here these grads go through four plus years of school looking forward to their next chapter. Here these graduates finally graduate with a fire in their hearts to go out and change the world. Here these grads go through the processes that the hiring manager I follow writes about. Here these grads get to feel like what they have done the last four years of school is going to finally pay off. Then comes the larger issues that no one can learn in the classroom. The feelings of defeat. The emotional roller coaster that most experienced adults and hiring managers will call normal. But is it normal? If it is normal, how is it fair? Thankfully, I have recently accepted a job that will hopefully turn into the career that, as a student, I looked forward to. However, this feeling of "phew" does not put my mind to rest of what myself and recent graduates have had to face. Even if you were one of those students who had one of those students who had a job lined up for right after graduation, you still went through the roller coaster of "normal". This "normal" deserves a class. This "normal" deserves a certificate of completion. I know this is not what is considered the real world to expect something like that, but I seriously think about these next questions a lot. 1. As a company or an organization (no matter how big or small), who is going to be the most valuable player in the game of development and growth? 2. Who is going to be the face of your company or organization? 3. What is the best asset for growth and development of both those employed, and the company itself...experience or passion? So what does this have to do with balance? Well of course there is the evident balance of the individual's thoughts and emotions through the process but there is also the question for employers and hiring managers of how they find their balance for future success of their company and organization. Again, because it is Friday, I understand both arguments, I recently accepted the job, and I just got back from seeing some of God's beautiful artwork in Colorado, my life is feeling pretty balanced. It is just this evil mind of mine that keeps turning. *Things to consider* - I do know that there are jobs that need experience and I am not saying that all that are experienced lack all passion. - I also know that no one knows better than a hiring manager in what type of person is needed for a job. I am not second guessing them. - I know that each experience is different. - I understand that hiring managers want someone that will not lose their passion easily. - These are a bunch of thoughts that may seem to step on the toes of many. That is not my point. I am not writing to dig deep into your foot.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Definition of Seesaw (n)

Here it is 1:05am, and I look to define my blog.  Oh the irony(as you will see with my definition).  So according to the Merriam Webster definition, a see saw is "an alternative up-and-down or backward-and-forward motion or movement; also : a contest or struggle in which now one side now the other has the lead."  I don't know about you, but when I was little and spent time at the park, about 75% of my time was spent on the seesaw or teeter totter, trying to balance it(with friends or by myself).  The other 25% was seeing if I could touch the leaves of the tree while swinging(but that is besides the point).  So, as hard as it may sound, get into my warped mind for a short bit and try to understand my mind map(Thank you Dr. J.). 

As you can already tell, I like parenthesis(because they balance my thoughts and sentence).  I also like to sort all of my Skittles out into pairs of the same color.  One for each side of my mouth.  I also sleep in the middle of the bed(so I don't fall off).

However, I often don't match my socks.  My chip to salsa ratio is 10:1.  Plus, I stay up until 1:30am because I can't sleep and then regret it when my alarm sounds in the morning.

So there are some aspects of my life that I search to find the perfect balance.  However, there are sometimes when I just want to be the one that jumps off of the seesaw quickly, laughing at the other(all meaning well of course).  Then there are times when I feel like just the opposite had happened and I am the one walking off with the bruised hiney. 

Now, to define my blog, I find it hard to find the balance of my definition as well.  So maybe those philosophy classes in school payed off.  The defintion of this blog is that there is no definition.  For to define would mean concrete.  Well what would be the fun in that?

Maybe guidelines of my blog would be the best way.  Here we go:

1.  I will post once a week(atleast).
2.  By the end of each week I will have a balanced seesaw.

Short and sweet, eh?  So, to those reading this, I want you to know that anything I post on upcoming blogs, I mean no harm.  I may bash the mushy facebook relationships, or I may post argument about something you disagree with, but know that I really am just doing this for fun, relaxation, and balance(duh!).  Now that all sounds I want you to know that I am going to also be posting funny pictures, inspirational quotes, and loving this life that God has so graciously given me.  Completely serious.

Because it is Thursday and I wrote one paragraph explaining how I am balanced and one paragraph explaining how I am not, the seesaw is balanced.  Phew!

Thought for next post:  Why are healthy foods the most expensive?